Random Forks

Philadelphia area food. Yum.

September 09, 2009

Embellishment, CPK style

Remember, it's not bacon, it's applewood smoked bacon.

Notice how lots of products, both on restaurant menus and in the grocery store, appear to have gone a bit overboard lately in embellishment? See bacon. I'm not sure what "applewood smoked" actually means. It's likely in the category of "Corinthian leather" - a nothing word added to convey luxury or density where neither exists.

I just happened to be on California Pizza Kitchen's menu (www.cpk.com) since a CPK recently opened at Cherry Hill Mall. Haven't been to one since the wife got sick after eating a Thai Chicken pizza over a decade ago in a state far, far away.

Some examples (in addition to bacon):
Pan-sauteed (most things cooked in a pan are, even if just sauteed in butter)

Fire-roasted mild chilies (I don't think chilies exist today without being described this way)

Fine herbs (because if they called them cheap herbs, you wouldn't eat the entree)

Crisp Romaine lettuce (likewise for wilted lettuce)

Vine-ripened tomatoes (they can still be canned, people!)


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